Day 1 case added, many fixes and additions

Case: Perplexing passenger
The first added case to start a major plot line.
The case features the near omnipotent Bus Driver and the strange little girl Rosie.

Officer redraw
Redrew Officer's mood sprites

Added a mechanic that can drop items on to the table. Also added a shelf for items to be stored at. There isn't any use for these at these stage but, oh well.

Article rewrite
Rewrote most of the articles and made their appearing requirements more logical.

Mute button
Added this in a hurry after a passionate request from my partner. They were starting to lose it due to the droning music that emanated constantly from my computer while I was testing the game. :)

A custom pixelated cursor


Made the DropZones for the drag-and-drop words much more lenient making it easier to use on mobile.

Files Play in browser
4 days ago

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